Working with Distressed Young People

Working with Distressed Young People

Yazar Bob Harris
Yayınevi SAGE Publications, Ltd. (UK)
ISBN 9781844452057
eISBN : 9781844456369
Baskı yılı 2011
Edisyon 1

Anyone working in the caring professions and education who wishes to understand the causes of difficult, disturbing and dangerous behaviour in young people and to find out how to change it, will find this book useful. It shows how distress and disturbance is created in young people, causing their behaviour to become difficult and problematic not only to adults but also to themselves and to wider society. Using the latest evidence-based theories, the reader will learn how to detect and diagnose problems and work out strategies for helping young people in distress.


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Kredi Kartı (Tek Çekim)

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