This is the seventh edition of a text that is quite popular and the respected leader in its field. Written for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, as well as for practicing professionals, the book combines an emphasis on the empirical research basis of human factors with comprehensive coverage of basic concepts in the field of human factors and ergonomics. This edition of "Human Factors in Engineering and Design" has been thoroughly updated and contains a new chapter on motor skills. Several chapters have been extensively revised and renamed to reflect current emphases and research in the field.
Human factors and systems; human factors research methodologies; information input and processing; text, graphics, symbols and codes; visual displays of dynamic information; auditory, tactual and olfactory displays; speech communications; physical work and manual materials handling; motor skills; human control systems; controls and data entry devices; hand tools and devices; applied anthropometry, work space design and seating; arrangement of components within a physical space; interpersonal aspects at work place design; illumination; climate; noise; motion; human error, accidents and safety; human factors and automobile; human factors in systems design.