For undergraduate and graduate courses in Business Forecasting.
Written in a simple, straightforward style, Business Forecasting 9/e presents basic statistical techniques using practical business examples to teach students h
Table of Contents
?1. Introduction to Forecasting. ?2. A Review of Basic Statistical Concepts. ?3. Exploring Data Patterns and Choosing a Forecast Bu kitabı satın alanlar bunları da aldı 220.00 TL HE-Technology Strategy for Managers&Entrepreneursx 1390.00 TL HE-DANIELS-INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS GE p16x 550.00 TL HE-Deresky-Intl Management GE p9x 1390.00 TL Research Methods for Business Students, 8th EditionMark K. Saunders ; Philip Lewis ; Adrian Thornhill 7300.00 TL International Business: Competing in the Global Marketp...Hill ; Hult 1650.00 TL Supply Chain EngineeringA. Ravi Ravindran 53.00 GBP (KITAP+KOD) Fundamentals of Management 11 Ed.Stephen P. Robbins ; Mary A. Coulter ; David A. De Cenz... 1590.00 TL SUPPLY CHAIN LOGISTICS MANAGEMENTBOWERSOX 650.00 TL Organizational Behaviour:An Introductory TextAndrzej Huczynski ; David Buchanan 1390.00 TL HIZLI TESLİMAT GÜVENLİ ALIŞVERİŞ 1200 TL ÜSTÜ KARGO BEDAVA
220.00 TL
1390.00 TL
550.00 TL
7300.00 TL
1650.00 TL
53.00 GBP
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