This was the first mainstream organisational behaviour text on the market and continues its tradition of being the most current and up to date researched text today. The author, Fred Luthans, is well known in this field, and is the fifth highest publisher in the Academy of Management Journal. He continues to do research in the area of organisational behaviour. This text is aimed at professors who take a research based and conceptual approach to their OB courses.
Part 1. Introduction and Context. 1. Introduction to the Principles of Organizational Behavior. 2. Environmental Context: International, Information Technology, Diversity and Ethics. 3. Organizational Context: Design and Culture. Part 2. A Foundation for Organisational Behaviour. 4. Perception and Attribution. 5. Personality and Attitudes. 6. Motivational Needs and Processes. 7. Learning and Reinforcement. 8. Emerging Psychological Variables: Multiple Intelligences, Emotion, Optimism, and Self-efficacy. Part 3. Dynamics of Organizational Behavior. 9. Interpersonal Communication. 10. Behavioral Decision Making. 11. Stress and Conflict. 12. Power and Politics. 13. Group and Team Dynamics. Part 4. Managing Human Capital for Performance. 14. Setting Goals and Designing Jobs. 15. Leadership Processes and Skills. 16. What Great Leaders Really Do. 17. Competitive Advantage Through the Principles of Organizational Behavior.