Classical Sociological Theory

Classical Sociological Theory

Yazar Craig Calhoun Joseph Gerteis James Moody Steven Pfaff Indermohan Virk
Yayınevi Wiley-Blackwell
ISBN 9781405148542
Baskı yılı 2007
Sayfa sayısı 512
Ağırlık 0.88 kg
Edisyon 2
Stok durumu Var    Stok detayları
Kargoya teslim Aynı gün kargo

This comprehensive collection of classical sociological theory is a definitive guide to the roots of sociology from its undisciplined beginnings to its current guideposts and reference points in contemporary sociological debate. * A definitive guide to the roots of sociology through a collection of key writings from the founders of the discipline * Explores influential works of Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Mead, Simmel, Freud, Du Bois, Adorno, Marcuse, Parsons, and Merton * Editorial introductions lend historical and intellectual perspective to the substantial readings * Includes a new section with new readings on the immediate "pre-history" of sociological theory, including the Enlightenment and de Tocqueville * Individual reading selections are updated throughout
General Introduction. Part I: Precursors to Sociological Theory. Introduction. 1. Of the Social Contract. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau). 2. What is Enlightenment? (Immanuel Kant). 3. Of the Division of Labor. (Adam Smith). 4. Democracy in America. (Alexis de Tocqueville). Part II: The Sociological Theory of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Introduction. A. Alienation and Historical Materialism. 5. The German Ideology. (Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels). 6. Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. (Karl Marx). B. History and Class Struggle. 7. Manifesto of the Communist Party. (Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels). 8. The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. (Karl Marx). C. Capitalism and the Labor Process. 9. Wage-Labour and Capital. (Karl Marx). 10. Classes. (Karl Marx). Part III: The Sociological Theory of Emile Durkheim. Introduction. Society and Social Facts. 11. The Rules of Sociological Method. Solidarity and Modern Life. 12. The Division of Labor in Society. Origins of Collective Conscience. 13. The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. Egoism and Anomie. 14. Suicide. Part IV: Sociological Theory of Max Weber. Introduction. Method of Social Science. 15. Objectivity in Social Science. 16. Basic Sociological Terms. Religion and Rationality. 17. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Bureaucracy and Power. 18. The Distribution of Power Within the Political Community: Class, Status, Party. 19. The Types of Legitimate Domination. 20. Bureaucracy. Part V: Self and Society in Classical Social Theory. Introduction. 21. The Self. (George Herbert Mead). 22. The Stranger. (Georg Simmel). 23. Group Expansion and the Development of Individuality. (Georg Simmel). 24. Civilization and its Discontents. (Sigmund Freud). 25. The Souls of Black Folk. (W. E. B. Du Bois). Part VI: Critical Theory and the Sociology of Knowledge. Introduction. 26. Ideology and Utopia. (Karl Mannheim). 27. Traditional and Critical Theory. (Max Horkheimer). 28. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. (Walter Benjamin). 29. The Culture Industry. (Max Horkheimer and Theodore Adorno). 30. One Dimensional Man. (Herbert Marcuse). Part VII: Structural-Functional Analysis. Introduction. 31. The Position of Sociological Theory. (Talcott Parsons). 32. An Outline of the Social System. (Talcott Parsons). 33. Structural Components of the Social System. (Talcott Parsons). 34. Manifest and Latent Functions. (Robert Merton). 35. On Sociological Theories of the Middle Range. (Robert Merton). 36. Social Structure and Anomie. (Robert Merton). Index.


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6 ay 163.60 TL 981.62 TL
9 ay 116.34 TL 1047.06 TL
12 ay 94.16 TL 1129.95 TL


Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek çekim - 872.55 TL
2 ay 451.54 TL 903.09 TL
3 ay 306.85 TL 920.54 TL
6 ay 163.60 TL 981.62 TL
9 ay 116.34 TL 1047.06 TL
12 ay 94.16 TL 1129.95 TL


Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek çekim - 872.55 TL
2 ay 451.54 TL 903.09 TL
3 ay 306.85 TL 920.54 TL
6 ay 163.60 TL 981.62 TL
9 ay 116.34 TL 1047.06 TL
12 ay 94.16 TL 1129.95 TL


Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek çekim - 872.55 TL
2 ay 451.54 TL 903.09 TL
3 ay 306.85 TL 920.54 TL
6 ay 163.60 TL 981.62 TL
9 ay 116.34 TL 1047.06 TL
12 ay 94.16 TL 1129.95 TL


Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek çekim - 872.55 TL
2 ay 451.54 TL 903.09 TL
3 ay 306.85 TL 920.54 TL
6 ay 163.60 TL 981.62 TL
9 ay 116.34 TL 1047.06 TL
12 ay 94.16 TL 1129.95 TL


Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek çekim - 872.55 TL
2 ay 451.54 TL 903.09 TL
3 ay 306.85 TL 920.54 TL
6 ay 163.60 TL 981.62 TL
9 ay 116.34 TL 1047.06 TL
12 ay 94.16 TL 1129.95 TL

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