This set brings together key articles providing theoretical discussion and reporting research in student assessment throughout the range, from pre-school to post-school education. The range of purposes, procedures, policies and properties of assessment are covered in the four volumes. The articles cover issues and practices of wide general application. The volumes provide an unparalleled resource for academic research and reference that will deepen understanding within the field."Volume 1: Assessment Roles and Purposes" - focuses on the role that assessment and testing can take in education. "Volume 2: Methods and Technical Issues in Assessment" - brings together studies of different ways of conducting assessment going beyond testing, and some that are designed to assess a range of competencies such as problem-solving, learning dispositions and critical thinking. "Volume 3: National and International Assessment" - includes articles on the methods, design and use of findings of national surveys, such as NAEP and the APU, and international surveys of the IEA and OECD.
"Volume 4: Assessment Policies and Systems" - considers how assessment and testing for a particular purpose impacts on students, teachers and on other parts of an assessment system.
VOLUME I PART ONE: ASSESSMENT ROLES AND PURPOSES Assessment of - or in - the Zone of Proximal Development - L Allal and G P Ducrey Assessment and Classroom Learning - P Black and D Wiliam Interactive Learning Environments - A L Brown, J C Campione, L S Webber and K McGilly A New Look at Assessment and Instruction Enhancing and Undermining Intrinsic Motivation: - R Butler The Effects of Task-Involving and Ego-Involving Evaluation on Interest and Performance A Model of Formative Assessment in Science Education - B Cowie and B Bell Integrating Assessment, Learning and Instruction - F J R C Dochy, G Moerkerke and R Martens Assessment of Domain-Specific and Domain-Transcending Prior Knowledge and Progress A Systems Approach to Educational Testing - J R Frederiksen and A Collins Socio-Cultural Aspects of Assessment - C Gipps Teachers Summative Practices and Assessment for Learning - Tensions and Synergies - W Harlen Postmodernism in the Field of Achievement Testing - A Lewy Educational Assessment - R L Linn Expanded Expectations and Challenges A National Testing System - G F Madaus Manna from Above? An Historical/Technological Perspective Knowing What Students Know - J W Pellegrino, N Chudowsky and R Glaser The Science and Design of Educational Assessments VOLUME II CONTINUES FROM PART ONE: ASSESSMENT ROLES AND PURPOSES Formative Assessment and The Design of Instructional Systems - R Sadler The Role of Assessment in a Learning Culture - L Shepard Two Disciplines of Educational Assessment - R J Stiggins Towards an Educational-Psychology of Assessment for Teaching and Learning - Theories, Contexts and Validation Arguments - C K Tittle Meanings and Consequences - D Wiliam and P Black A Basis for Distinguishing Formative and Summative Functions of Assessment? PART TWO: METHODS AND TECHINICAL ISSUES IN ASSESSMENT Computer-Based Assessment of Problem Solving - E L Baker and R E Mayer Tracking the Development of Learning Dispositions - M Carr and G Claxton Threats to the Valid use of Assessments - T J Crooks, M T Kane and A S Cohen Alternative Assessment - C Gipps and G Stobart Trusting Teachers Judgment - W Harlen Research Evidence of the Reliability and Validity of Teachers Assessment Used for Summative Purposes Large-Scale Portfolio Assessment in the US - D Koretz Evidence Pertaining to the Quality of Measurement Brains on the Table - D Leat and A Nichols Diagnostic and Formative Assessment Through Observation Complex, Performance-Based Assessment - R L Linn, E Baker and S Dunbar Expectations and Validation Criteria Validity - S Messick Curriculum-Based Continuous Assessment - A J Nitko A Framework for Concepts, Procedures and Policy Whats Wrong - and Whats Right - With Rubrics - W J Popham Assessing the Thinking Curriculum - L B Resnick and D P Resnick New Tools for Educational Reform VOLUME III CONTINUES FROM PART TWO: METHODS AND TECHNICAL ISSUES IN ASSESSMENT Sampling Variability of Performance Assessments - R J Shavelson, G P Baxter and X Gao Evaluating Test Validity - L Shepard Teachers Assessment of Students Research Skills - K Stokking, M van der Schaaf, J Jaspers and G Erkens From Principles to Practice - M Wilson and K Sloane An Embedded Assessment System Tests Worth Teaching to - S S Yeh Constructing State-Mandated Tests That Emphasise Critical Thinking PART THREE: NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ASSESSMENT Policy Perils and International Comparisons - J M Atkin and P J Black The TIMSS Case APU Science - The Past and the Future - P J Black International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) - A Blum, H Goldstein and H F Guerin-Pace An Analysis of International Comparisons of Adult Literacy FIMS and SIMS - M Brown The First Two IEA International Mathematics Surveys Nationally Normed Elementary Achievement Testing in Americas Public Schools - J Cannell How all 50 States are Above the National Average The Role of Public Examinations in Defining and Monitoring Standards - M J Cresswell Development of TIMSS Performance Assessment Tasks - R A Garden Standards and Criteria - G V Glass International Comparisons of Students Attainment - H Goldstein Some Issues Arising from the PISA Study On the Use of Cut-Off Scores with Criterion-Referenced Tests in Instructional Settings - R K Hambleton The Assessment of Scientific Literacy in the OECD/PISA Project - W Harlen External (Public) Exams - T Kellaghan and G Madaus IEA Studies and Educational Policy - P Kellaghan Comparing State and District Test Results to National Norms - R L Linn, E Graue and N M Sanders The Validity of Claims that "Everyone is Above Average" VOLUME FOUR CONTINUES FROM PART THREE: NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ASSESSMENT Issues Relating to Curriculum, Policy and Gender Raised by National and International Surveys in Mathematics - I Robertson Using Baselines Assessment Data to Make International Comparisons - P Tymms, C Merrell and P Jones PART FOUR: ASSESSMENT POLICIES AND SYSTEMS Symbolic Validation - P W Airasian The Case of State-Mandated, High Stakes Testing Performance Assessment and Equity - E L Baker and F ONeil, Jnr Dreams, Strategies and Systems - P J Black Portraits of Assessment Past, Present and Future Large-Scale Assessment Systems Design Principles Drawn from International Comparisons - P J Black and D Wiliam Retrospective on Educational Testing and Assessment in the 20th Century - M M Clarke, G F Madaus, C L Horn and M A Ramos The Impact of Classroom Evaluation Practices on Students - T J Crooks Learning Careers or Assessment Careers?: The Impact of Assessment Systems on Learning - K Ecclestone and J Pryor Accountability Testing and the Implications for Teacher Professionalism - C Gipps Using Pupil Performance Data for Judging Schools and Teachers - H Goldstein Scope and Limitations Testing and Motivation for Learning - W Harlen and R Deakin Crick Balancing Varied Assessment Functions to Attain Systemic Validity - D T Hickey, S J Zuiker, G Taasoobshirazi, N J Schafer and M A Michael Three is the Magic Number The Growth of High-Stakes Testing in the USA - D Hursh Accountability, Markets and the Decline of Educational Equality Assessment and Accountability - R L Linn Two-Plus Decades of Educational Objectives - W J Popham Performance Puzzles - L B Resnick Fairness in Multicultural Assessment Systems - G Stobart Are Standards Rising in English Primary Schools? - P Tymms Teachers Developing Assessment for Learning - D Wiliam, C Lee, C Harrison and P Black Impact on Student Achievement