1 | | Engineering materials and their properties | | 1 |
2 | | The price and availability of materials | | 17 |
3 | | The elastic moduli | | 31 |
4 | | Bonding between atoms | | 43 |
5 | | Packing of atoms in solids | | 55 |
6 | | The physical basis of Youngs modulus | | 73 |
7 | | Case studies in modulus-limited design | | 85 |
8 | | The yield strength, tensile strength and ductility | | 99 |
9 | | Dislocations and yielding in crystals | | 111 |
10 | | Strengthening methods, and plasticity of polycrystals | | 131 |
11 | | Continuum aspects of plastic flow | | 141 |
12 | | Case studies in yield-limited design | | 153 |
13 | | Fast fracture and toughness | | 169 |
14 | | Micromechanisms of fast fracture | | 181 |
15 | | Case studies in fast fracture | | 191 |
16 | | Probabilistic fracture of brittle materials | | 209 |
17 | | Fatigue failure | | 223 |
18 | | Fatigue design | | 237 |
19 | | Case studies in fatigue failure | | 251 |
20 | | Creep and creep fracture | | 273 |
21 | | Kinetic theory of diffusion | | 287 |
22 | | Mechanisms of creep, and creep-resistant materials | | 299 |
23 | | The turbine blade - a case study in creep-limited design | | 311 |
24 | | Oxidation of materials | | 327 |
25 | | Case studies in dry oxidation | | 337 |
26 | | Wet corrosion of materials | | 345 |
| | More... | | |