Systems Analysis and Design: An Object-oriented Approach

Systems Analysis and Design: An Object-oriented Approach

Yazar Sandra Dewitz
Yayınevi McGraw-Hill Education (ISE Editions)
ISBN 9780071141413
Baskı yılı 1996
Sayfa sayısı 600
Edisyon 1
Stok durumu Var    Stok detayları
Kargoya teslim Aynı gün kargo

This text emphasizes object-oriented design and covers traditional analysis and design paradigms. It stresses learning-by-doing with all major concepts supported by a running case study throughout the text, exercises and a companion project workbook.
Part 1 Overview of systems development: systems development - product, process, catalysts and goals; the product of systems development - system functions and components; the process of systems development - two paradigms. Part 2 Preliminary investigation and analysis: systems development = planned organizational change; the top-down approach and enterprise analysis; problems definition and feasibility analysis; joint application development - a technique for user-driven development. Part 3 Iterative analysis, design, prototype construction and review: rapid application development and prototyping; analysis and designing system behaviours; analyzing and designing system data structures; designing the user interface; documenting design specifications. Part 4 Final construction: acquiring hardware and software; testing and installing the system; cut-over and post-implementation review.


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12 ay 28.64 TL 343.65 TL


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2 ay 152.98 TL 305.95 TL
3 ay 102.95 TL 308.85 TL
6 ay 53.41 TL 320.45 TL
9 ay 36.89 TL 332.05 TL
12 ay 28.64 TL 343.65 TL


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Tek çekim - 290.00 TL
2 ay 152.98 TL 305.95 TL
3 ay 102.95 TL 308.85 TL
6 ay 53.41 TL 320.45 TL
9 ay 36.89 TL 332.05 TL
12 ay 28.64 TL 343.65 TL


Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek çekim - 290.00 TL
2 ay 152.98 TL 305.95 TL
3 ay 102.95 TL 308.85 TL
6 ay 53.41 TL 320.45 TL
9 ay 36.89 TL 332.05 TL
12 ay 28.64 TL 343.65 TL


Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek çekim - 290.00 TL
2 ay 152.98 TL 305.95 TL
3 ay 102.95 TL 308.85 TL
6 ay 53.41 TL 320.45 TL
9 ay 36.89 TL 332.05 TL
12 ay 28.64 TL 343.65 TL


Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Tek çekim - 290.00 TL
2 ay 152.98 TL 305.95 TL
3 ay 102.95 TL 308.85 TL
6 ay 53.41 TL 320.45 TL
9 ay 36.89 TL 332.05 TL
12 ay 28.64 TL 343.65 TL

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Kredi Kartı (Tek Çekim)

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Peşin - 290.00 TL

Bonus, Maximum, Paraf, Cardfinans, Axess ve World özelliği olan tüm kartlar ile ödeme yapılabilir.