Focused on the appreciation of anthropology, the new edition of "Anthropology: The Exploration of Human Diversity" offers an up-to-date holistic introduction to general anthropology from the four-field perspective. Key themes of appreciating the experiences students bring to the classroom, appreciating human diversity, and appreciating the field of anthropology are showcased throughout the text. In this edition, Understanding Ourselves chapter openers and Through the Eyes of Others boxes show how anthropology helps us understand ourselves. New Appreciating Diversity boxes focus on the various forms of human biological and cultural diversity. Appreciating Anthropology boxes are also new to the text and focus on the value and usefulness of anthropological research and approaches.
Brief Table of Contents Part I Introduction to Anthropology 1 What Is Anthropology? 2 Culture 3 Applying Anthropology Part II Physical Anthropology and Archaeology 4 Studying the Past 5 Evolution and Genetics 6 Human Variation and Adaptation 7 The Primates 8 Early Hominins 9 Archaic Homo 10 The Origin and Spread of Modern Humans 11 The First Farmers 12 The First Cities and States Part III Exploring Cultural Diversity 13 Theory and Methods in Cultural Anthropology 14 Language and Communication 15 Ethnicity and Race 16 Making a Living 17 Political Systems 18 Gender 19 Families, Kinship, and Descent 20 Marriage 21 Religion 22 Arts, Media, and Sports Part IV The Changing World 23 The World System and Colonialism 24 Global Issues Today