Managing Cities: The New Urban Context

Managing Cities: The New Urban Context

Yazar Patsy Healey Stuart Cameron Simin Davoudi Stephen Graham Ali Madani-Pour
Yayınevi McGraw Hill Higher Education
ISBN 9780071263450
Baskı yılı 2008
Sayfa sayısı 592
Ağırlık 0.54 kg
Stok durumu Tükendi   

This seventh edition of Theories of Personality continues to provide comprehensive coverage of the most influential theorists of personality. It presents 23 major theories, with coverage of each theory also encompassing a biographical sketch of each theorist, related research and applications to real life.
Part I: Introduction 1: Introduction to Personality Theory Part II: Psychodynamic Theories 2: Freud: Psychoanalysis 3: Adler: Individual Psychology 4: Jung: Analytical Psychology 5: Klein: Object Relations Theory 6: Horney: Psychoanalytic Social Theory 7: Fromm: Humanistic Psychoanalysis 8: Sullivan: Interpersonal Theory 9: Erikson: Post-Freudian Theory Part III: Humanistic/Existential Theories 10: Maslow: Holistic-Dynamic Theory 11: Rogers: Person-Centered Theory 12: May: Existential Psychology Part IV: Dispositional Theories 13: Allport: Psychology of the Individual 14: Eysenck, McCrae, and Costas Factor and Trait Theories Part V: Learning Theories 15: Skinner: Behavioral Analysis 16: Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory 17: Rotter and Mischel: Cognitive Social Learning Theory 18: Kelly: Psychology of Personal Constructs