This book is created for undergraduate courses in Mechanical, Industrial, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering Programs. It is also used for graduate courses in Manufacturing Science and Engineering.
This comprehensive, up-to-date text has balanced coverage of the fundamentals of materials and processes, adopts an analytical approach, and focuses on applications in manufacturing engineering. Students using this text will be able to properly assess the capabilities, limitations, and potential of manufacturing processes and their competitive aspects.
2?Fundamentals of the mechanical behavior of materials
3?Structure and manufacturing properties of metals
4?Surfaces, tribology, dimensional characteristics, inspection, and product Quality assurance
5?Metal-casting processes and equipment; heat treatment
6?Bulk deformation processes?
7?Sheet-metal forming processes
8?Material-removal pocesses: cutting??
9?Material-removal processes: abrasive, chemical, electrical, and high-energy beams
10?Properties and processing of polymers and reinforced plastics; rapid prototyping and rapid tooling????
11?Properties and processing of metal powders, ceramics, glasses, composites, and superconductors??
12?Joining and fastening processes???
13? Fabrication of microelectronic, micromechanical, and microelectromechanical devices;?? nanomanufacturing
14? Automation of manufacturing processes and operations
15?Computer-integrated manufacturing systems
16?Product design and manufacturing in a global competitive environment???