The fourth edition of "Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles" continues the success of previous editions with its concise introduction to probability theory for the junior-senior level course in electrical engineering. The book offers a careful, logical organization which stresses fundamentals and includes almost 900 student exercises and abundant practical applications for engineers to understand probability concepts. The most important new material in this edition relates to discrete-time random processes and sequences, and other topics in the general area of digital signal processing, such as the DT linear system.
1 Probability 2 The Random Variable 3 Operations on one Random Variable--Expectation 4 Multiple Random Variables 5 Operations of Multiple Random Variables 6 Random Processes-Temporal Characteristics 7 Random Processes-Spectral Characteristics 8 Linear Systems with Random Inputs 9 Optimum Linear Systems 10 Some Practical Applications of the Theory Appendix A Review of the Impulse Function Appendix B Gaussian Distribution Function Appendix C Useful Mathematical Quantities Appendix D Review of Fourier Transforms Appendix E Table of Useful Fourier Transforms Appendix F Some Probability Densities and Distributions Appendix G Some Mathematical Topics of Interest