Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Yazar Norman Scarborough
Yayınevi Pearson Education
ISBN 9780273787129
Baskı yılı 2013
Sayfa sayısı 720
Edisyon 7
Stok durumu Tükendi   

For courses in Small Business Management, Entrepreneurship, New Venture Creation, and New Venture Management. This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States The tools to launch a new venture and the knowledge for entrepreneurial success. With a practical, "hands on" approach to entrepreneurship, this text aims to provide students with the knowledge and tools they need to launch a business so that it has the greatest chance for success.
I. THE CHALLENGE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1. The Foundations of Entrepreneurship 2. Inside the Entrepreneurial Mind: From Ideas to Reality II. BUILDING THE BUSINESS PLAN: BEGINNING CONSIDERATIONS 3. Designing a Competitive Business Model and Building a Solid Strategic Plan 4. Conducting a Feasibility Analysis and Crafting a Winning Business Plan 5. Forms of Business Ownership 6. Franchising and the Entrepreneur 7. Buying an Existing Business III. BUILDING THE BUSINESS PLAN: MARKETING AND FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS 8. Building a Powerful Guerrilla Marketing Plan 9. E-Commerce and the Entrepreneur 10. Pricing Strategies 11. Creating a Successful Financial Plan 12. Managing Cash Flow IV. PUTTING THE BUSINESS PLAN TO WORK: SOURCES OF FUNDS 13. Sources of Financing: Equity and Debt 14. Choosing the Right Location and Layout 15. Global Aspects of Entrepreneurship 16. Building a New Venture Team and Planning for the Next Generation Appendix: Sample Business Plan Brief Cases Name Index Subject Index