Part 1 DRAW 10 quick start guide: installing and getting help; whats new in DRAW 10?; using DRAW 10s interface; working with DRAW 10 files. Part 2 Getting started with CorelDRAW 10: setting page and document options; setting rulers, grids and guidelines; viewing documents; selecting and manipulating objects. Part 3 Working with object tools: drawing basic shapes; drawing with line tools; slicing, dicing and shaping objects; working with layers and object styles; organizing drawing elements. Part 4 Working with text: using artistic and paragraph text; linking texts to paths and objects; using writing tools. Part 5 Applying colours fills and outlines: applying outline pen options; working with colour fills; using draws colour resources. Part 6 Organizing objects and applying effects: applying envelopes and distortion; blending and contouring; demystifying lenses and transparency; applying drop shadows; working with powerclipped objects. Part 7 Working in 3D: applying perspective; creating vector extrusions; creating bitmap extrusions; working with 3D models. Part 8 Working with digital images: using digital image commands; applying bitmap effects; demystifying bitmap transparency. Part 9 Beyond the basics: printing your document pages; input and output filters; DRAW 10 and the web; customizing DRAW 10; exploring scripts and VBA. Part 10 Appendices.