Toplam 7128 ürün
Reason in Law Update, Longman Classics Edition

Reason in Law Update, Longman Classics Edition

Yazar_tr : Lief Carter ; Tom Burke
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9780321439420
Baskı yılı : 2006
Sayfa sayısı : 208
Ağırlık : 12745879.00 kg
Edisyon : 7
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

Az Seçilen Yol

Az Seçilen Yol

Yazar_tr : Rollo May
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9789756793084
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions

Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions

Yazar_tr : Frank J. Fabozzi Franco P. Modigliani Frank J. Jones
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9780131354234
Baskı yılı : 2007
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

Understanding Unix/Linux Programming: A Guide to Theory and Practice

Understanding Unix/Linux Programming: A Guide to Theory...

Yazar_tr : Bruce Molay
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9780130083968
Baskı yılı : 2002
Sayfa sayısı : 530
Ağırlık : 8845005.00 kg
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

Words Their Way Word Sorts for Syllables and Affixes Spellers

Words Their Way Word Sorts for Syllables and Affixes Sp...

Yazar_tr : Francine R. Johnston Marcia R. Invernizzi Donald R. Bear Shane Templeton
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9781292041513
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

Pesr 1: Town Mouse and Country Mouse

Pesr 1: Town Mouse and Country Mouse

Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9781292239989
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

Ark Angel (Alex Rider Adventures)

Ark Angel (Alex Rider Adventures)

Yazar_tr : Anthony Horowitz
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9780142407387
Baskı yılı : 2007
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

Foods: Experimental Perspectives

Foods: Experimental Perspectives

Yazar_tr : Margaret McWilliams Ph.D. R.D. Professor Emeritus
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9781292020990
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

Engineering Mechanics: Statics Study Pack Bundle with Mastering Engineering (Static) with Pearson eText in SI units

Engineering Mechanics: Statics Study Pack Bundle with M...

Yazar_tr : Russell C. Hibbeler
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9789810683993
Baskı yılı : 2009
Edisyon : 12
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Versions 4.3

OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learnin...

Yazar_tr : Dave Shreiner Graham Sellers John Kessenich Bill Licea-Kane
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9780321773036
Baskı yılı : 2013
Sayfa sayısı : 984
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, 2nd Edition (The XP Series)

Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, 2nd Edit...

Yazar_tr : Kent Beck Cynthia Andres
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9780321278654
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment

Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment

Yazar_tr : W. Richard Stevens / Stephen A. Rago
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9780321637734
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

The Making of the Economic Society (The Pearson Series in Economics)

The Making of the Economic Society (The Pearson Series ...

Yazar_tr : Robert L. Heilbroner William Milberg
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9780136080695
Baskı yılı : 2011
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

Big TV Workbook Level 3

Big TV Workbook Level 3

Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9781292203607
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

Spy Dog

Spy Dog

Yazar_tr : Andrew Cope
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9780141318844
Baskı yılı : 2005
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

Starting Out with Python, Global Edition

Starting Out with Python, Global Edition

Yazar_tr : Tony Gaddis
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9781292065502
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

NorthStar, Reading and Writing 1 (Student Book alone)

NorthStar, Reading and Writing 1 (Student Book alone)

Yazar_tr : John Beaumont
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9780132336451
Baskı yılı : 2008
Sayfa sayısı : 228
Edisyon : 2
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

History of Art, Combined Edition, Revised (with Art History Interactive CD-ROM)

History of Art, Combined Edition, Revised (with Art His...

Yazar_tr : Anthony F. Janson
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9780131826236
Baskı yılı : 2003
Sayfa sayısı : 1032
Ağırlık : 43544640.00 kg
Edisyon : 6
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

HE-Schroeder-Introduction to Thermal Phys PNIE_p1

HE-Schroeder-Introduction to Thermal Phys PNIE_p1

Yazar_tr : x
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9781292026213
Stok durumu : Tükendi  



Yazar_tr : R. Glenn Hubbard Anthony Patrick O Brien
Yayınevi : Pearson Education
ISBN : 9781292159928
Baskı yılı : 2016
Sayfa sayısı : 1168
Stok durumu : Tükendi  

Toplam 7128 ürün