Ready to Write 3:From Paragraph to Essay

Ready to Write 3:From Paragraph to Essay

Yazar Karen Blanchard ; Christine Root
Yayınevi Pearson Education
ISBN 9780131363342
Baskı yılı 2010
Sayfa sayısı 200
Edisyon 3
Stok durumu Tükendi   

A fresh new design, updated content throughout, and a host of new activities reinforce the approach that has made the Ready to Write series a classroom favorite for more than two decades. Features: *Updated examples and model paragraphs illustrate organi
Part 1 THE ELEMENTS OF GOOD WRITING Chapter 1 : Getting Ready to Write Chapter 2: Writing Paragraphs Chapter 3: Revising and Editing Chapter 4: Writing Essays Part 2 TYPES OF ESSAYS Chapter 5: Process Essays Chapter 6: Division and Classific

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